Responsible for the content:

Storetec Systems GmbH

Goods issue systems
Trientlgasse 45
6020 Innsbruck

Headquarters   +43 (0) 512 334 530
Support             +43 (0) 512 385 005

Legal form: GmbH
Corporate headquarters: Innsbruck, Austria

Commercial register no. (FN)  370027h • Regional Court Innsbruck
VAT no.: ATU66777204

Managing directors:
Dr. Kai Konstantin Stoffel
Armin Isser, BSc



Layout and design of the content overall and all of its individual elements such as logos, photos, etc. are copyright protected. The same applies to contributions individually and their selection and compilation; changes may not be made. Public use of the offering may only occur with the approval of Rathgeber GmbH.


The content published at is researched with great care, the technical services programmed to the best extent possible.

However, we do not assume liability for the information being up to date, correct, complete or for its quality. All information subject to correction. The information provided is not legally binding.

We reserve the right to change, supplement, delete or stop publication of parts or the entire content of our internet site without notification.

There is no liability for damages arising from the use of the published content at or services. If you have knowledge of illegal content referred to on our website, please immediately send an e-mail to We will immediately act to remove these electronic references (hyperlinks). A general obligation to review the content referred to does not affect us as a website operator.


This imprint also applies for the following Social Media Profile:

YouTube Channel Storetec Systems GmbH